Shipping Conditions

Last Update: 12 March 2025

Use of this website is subject to the terms of the shipping conditions below, which you should review each time you use the website.
 This shipping conditions aims to provide the information you need for understanding our shipping practices. If you have any questions regarding our shipping conditions, please contact us by e-mail:

Product Shipment and Delivery

The products ordered at the META® online store will be shipped and delivered on business days, from Monday to Friday.

We can only ensure proper delivery of the order if the shipping address is correctly provided by the “User”, and the address belongs to a house or an office located in one of the countries included in the list of countries available at the “Shipping Information” menu.

A delivery is considered completed or a product is considered delivered once the delivery receipt is signed at the address agreed upon.

Shipping Costs and Delivery Deadlines

The shipping fees related to your order will be billed per order, which means, if you order more than one article, you will only be charged for the shipping fees once. However, META® (“PIRANHA GLOBAL”) reserves the right to split an order, for example, if part of the order is delayed or unavailable. In the event that we decide to split the order, the client will be notified, by e-mail, of our intent. To this effect we shall use the e-mail address provided by the client when the purchase was made.

Deliveries are tabulated for Continental Portugal, Archipelagos Madeira and Azores and Spain. For shipping to other countries prices are determined upon request.

Upon delivery, the “Buyer” should inspect the package and the products shipped to look for any potential damage. If it is observed that the products are damaged, the client should not accept the delivery of the order, which must be returned immediately through the anticipated “Return” mechanism at META® (“PIRANHA GLOBAL”) will reimburse the sum paid for the order and for its shipping as soon as, at the headquarters, the return process is received and completed.

The order is considered accepted if, after receiving the order, the Client does not return it within the following 15 days.

Order Delivery Deadlines

Once your order has been registered, the payment has been confirmed and all parts of your order are available, META® (“PIRANHA GLOBAL”) commits to proceed with shipping within the following deadlines: In Continental Portugal and Continental Spain, at most 3 business days; in the Archipelagos Madeira and Azores, between 5 and 10 business days; within the European Union (except Continental Portugal and Continental Spain), approximately 8 business days; for any country outside of the European Union within an indicative timeframe of 10 business days.

META® (“PIRANHA GLOBAL”) will not be responsible for not fulfilling, or delays in fulfilling, any shipping obligation that is disrupted by reason of force majeure, meaning due to an event, act or omission, that is beyond our reasonable control.